Museum Voices

Voices from the Opening Ceremony of the C.E.A. Museums Cooperation Initiative 4th Dialogue

Jun 3, 2024

The Fourth Dialogue of the China-Europe-America Museums Cooperation Initiative commenced at the Tianjin Museum on May 22, 2024. During the opening ceremony, a distinguished group of eight international guests delivered keynote speeches focused on the crucial theme of "The role of museums in fostering creativity".




David GossetFounder of the China-Europe-America Global Initiative

As we navigate the complexities of our time, it's clear that our greatest asset is creativity. It is only through innovative thinking that we can aspire to devise solutions to the many challenges we encounter, whether they pertain to health, society, or the environment.




Yunquan Yu, Vice President of the China International Communications Group

Only by revitalizing the artifacts enshrined in museums, the heritage spread across the expansive earth, and the writings in ancient books can we cultivate a profound cultural bedrock for the world's future progress, and truly unleash the infinite potential of human imagination and creativity.




Yulu Chen, President of Nankai University

From the Library of Alexandria in Egypt to the Confucius temples in China, museums, which stem from a shared consciousness of human civilization, inherently possess a boundless creativity. Transcending the vast expanse of the five continents, they bridge the past and future, weaving the enduring narrative of human development.




Hussam A.G. Al Husseini, Ambassador of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan in China

In museums we can easily see how much we are similar as human beings, and how close we are connected, though we might be thousands of miles apart. In museums we can see the charts of our history and hear the pulse of our future.




Lina Mendoni, Minister of Culture and Sports, Greece

Research, innovation and education are key areas in which creativity emerges and takes root, knowledge is promoted and productivity develops, and the seeds of modernity and progress are cultivated and germinate. Therefore, t/The title of this year's theme of the Fourth Dialogue of the China-Europe-America Museums Cooperation Initiative, "The role of museums in fostering creativity", is highly relevant and timely. It highlights the extremely important contribution of museums as cradles of creative thinking and action in the fields of science, education and social development.




Irina Bokova, Former Director General of UNESCO, Patron of the International Science Council

I see museums as cutting-edge laboratories of our shared humanity — to protect our heritage, to catalyse new creativity, to help us find words and images to capture the complexity of our world and to understand the other. I firmly believe in the power of museums as forces to rejuvenate urban policies, to deepen social inclusion, to create jobs, to foster a sense of belonging, and to make the most of cultural heritage for all and to contribute to the mutual understanding in a complex world.




Deborah Lehr, Founder of the Antiquities Coalition

Museums, as tourist destinations which preserve and showcase culture as well, have a duty to further responsible cultural exchange and to combat the illicit trade in ancient art and artifacts. Responsible tourism can promote sustainable economic growth, and museums and heritage sites play a huge role in that tourism around the world.




Yang Yao, Director of Tianjin Museum

Museums, with their extensive knowledge and inclusivity, serve as bridges between the past, present, and future. They are not only guardians of human civilization and collectors of precious artifacts, but also cultural hubs that cultivate curiosity and ignite creativity. They are windows and platforms for the exchange and mutual learning between civilizations.