Event Recap

Reflections on the C.E.A. Museums Cooperation Initiative 2023 and an invitation to the next chapter

Aug 14, 2023



Dear friends,


Our 3rd dialogue in the framework of China-Europe-America Museums Cooperation Initiative comes to an end.

The 4th dialogue will take place on 22-23 May, 2024. The theme will be: "The Role of Museums in Fostering Creativity". We wish to thank the director of the Tianjin Museum, Mr. Yao Yang, for preparing to welcome the event, as well as our friends from Nankai University.

We would like once again to thank our partners from China, Europe and the US for their trust. Last but not least, gratitude to Team DG2CI!


—— David Gosset, founder of the China-Europe-America Global Initiative



Full text of the speech


It's time to end our third dialogue. I want it to end with a short video. It seems stimulating to me. Meaningful. Artist Eve Sussman imagines what precedes the moment painted by Velasquez in his masterpiece Las Meninas.



In the master's studio there is a collection of paintings. Already a museum! A collection of paintings which nourishes the inspiration of the greatest painter of the Spanish Golden Age but which he also transcends.


I am well aware of the work that led to our forum. It started three years ago. I would like to thank all our partners and each of my colleagues for their support and trust.


Dear friends, the work that will lead to our next meeting begins tomorrow.


Let us meet on May 22-23 of 2024 around the theme "The Role of Museums in Fostering Creativity"!